The JRC of the European Commission and the European Soil Bureau Network established a Working Group on “Soil Awareness and Education”.  The main objective of the working group is to establish an action plan for the development of measures / programmes / initiatives to raise awareness of the importance of soil across European society (i.e. policy makers, general public, universities, schools, industry, etc.).

The fifth ENSA-JRC meeting was held on the 28-29.09.2017  in Bratislava, SLOVAKIA.  The meeting aimed to bring together people who have a common aim of raising awareness of the importance of soil. The meeting is a forum to exchange best practices and learn about what is happening across Europe. A key aspect will be the implementation of the European Soil Partnership Plan of Action on education and soil awareness (Pillar 2 see the ESP-FAO Implementation Plan 2017-2020 ).

For the LANDMARK project Dr Francesca Bampa participated and gave a presentation on the LANDMARK Stakeholder engagement (WP1) and on the Communication and Dissemination Strategy on soil quality and soil functions (WP6).

More info on the meeting  here:

More info on ENSA