Sustainable intensification
Policies and practices directed at increasing the productivity (‘yield per unit area’) without increasing the environmental impact (‘impact per unit area and produce’) (Garnett et al., 2013).
Policies and practices directed at increasing the productivity (‘yield per unit area’) without increasing the environmental impact (‘impact per unit area and produce’) (Garnett et al., 2013).
Agricultural production which typically places a higher emphasis on environmental and wildlife protection and, with regard to livestock production, on measures that are supposedly animal welfare friendly. Organic production aims at more holistic production management systems for crops and livestock, emphasizing on-farm management practices over off-farm inputs. This involves avoiding, or largely reducing, the use of [...]
The process of increasing the use of inputs (labour, information, energy, fertilizers, pesticides, machinery) relative to land area, to increase agricultural production per unit area. Intensification may increase the pressure on the environment, if it is comprised of an indiscriminate increase of the use of inputs without an associated increase in managerial input. A higher [...]
Name Low intensity output < 500 euros/ha Medium intensity output => 500 and < 3000 euros/ha High intensity => 3000 euros/ha (source:
Name Small scale < 16 ESU* Medium scale => 16 and < 40 ESU Large scale => 40 ESU (source: *ESU: European Size Unit = 1200 euros standard gross margin ( )
A spatially homogeneous area with distinctive characteristics in terms of the present climate, soil texture, slope and farm type, thus combining AEZs and FTs.
The flag characterizing which activity generates the income for a farm and which crops are predominantly grown/animals are kept for that (in the case of Catch-C leaving out features such as intensity and size); consult Table 1. Table 1. Farm type assignment based on main source of income (Catch-C, Hijbeek et al., 2013) Specialisation EU-code [...]
The process of decreasing the use of capital and inputs (e.g. fertilizers, pesticides, machinery, energy) relative to land area. Due to a decrease in inputs per land area the pressure on the environment may be decreased. A decrease in pesticides used, for instance, is likely to decrease the risk of pesticide run-off in surface and [...]
A farming method that includes the use of synthetic chemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides and genetically modified organisms, allowing this type of farms to be less depending on cultural (crop rotation, inclusion of crops fixing atmospheric N), biological, and mechanical practices that foster cycling of resources, promote ecological balance, and conserve biodiversity.
The extent of land used for farming, including arable land, permanent grassland, permanent crops and other agricultural land such as kitchen gardens, but excluding unused agricultural land, woodland and land occupied by buildings, farmyards, tracks, ponds, scrub land, etc.