Any organic product generated during the production, processing or consumption of crops, ranging from roots, stubbles, straw and leaves, to industrial and urban ‘wastes’.
Any organic product generated during the production, processing or consumption of crops, ranging from roots, stubbles, straw and leaves, to industrial and urban ‘wastes’.
P2O5 P x 2.29 = P2O5
Livestock manures, digestates, green manures, compost, sewage sludge, (agro)industrial organic waste.
Fraction of plant-available nutrients from fertilizers and manures taken up by the crop in harvestable fraction(s) and above ground residues, usually excluding roots and stubbles.
NO3 N x 4.43 = NO3 NH4 N x 1,29 = NH4
Livestock excrements, as such or including bedding material.
MgO Mg x 1.66 = MgO
A reference unit which facilitates the aggregation of livestock from various species and age as per convention, via the use of specific coefficients established initially on the basis of the nutritional or feed requirement of each type of animal (see table below for an overview of the most commonly used coefficients). The reference unit used [...]
K2O K x 1,20 = K2O
Mineral, synthetic, industrial, artificial or manufactured fertilizers.