Glossary Terms


The addition of oxygen, removal of hydrogen, or the removal of electrons from an element or compound. In the environment, organic matter is oxidized to more stable substances. Oxidation is the opposite of ‘reduction’. Oxidation of organic matter is termed ‘burning’, and that of iron ‘rusting’.


Conversion of ammonium-N into nitrite-N and nitrate-N by soil biota.


The degradation of organically bound elements (N, P, S) by soil biota into plant-available (inorganic) forms.


Removal of soluble materials from one zone in soil to another via water downward movement in the profile.


Conversion of water-soluble elements into organic compounds by soil biota.


Process whereby the carbon of organic residues is transformed and converted to humic substances through biochemical and abiotic processes.


Conversion of nitrate-N into N2O-N and dinitrogen-N.


Conversion of organically bound N into ammonium-N by soil biota.

Environmental Zones (EnZs)

Climatic Zones or Environmental Zones (EnZs, following Metzger et al., 2005)  

Climatic zones or Environmental Zones

Climatic Zones or Environmental Zones (EnZs, following Metzger et al., 2005)