GGAA-7 Conference 2019
David Wall (TEAGASC) hold a talk about Landmark at the 12th of August 2019 at the GGAA-7 conference in Brazil.
David Wall (TEAGASC) hold a talk about Landmark at the 12th of August 2019 at the GGAA-7 conference in Brazil.
Prof Rogier Schulte gave a presentation about Landmark at the Kick-off meeting for Best4Soil H2020 project. For more information read here.
Alexandre Berndt shared his experiences about LANDMARK at a meeting related to Sustainable Livestock in Latin America and Caribe in Turrialba, Costa Rica.
On the 8th of November 2018 Francesca Bampa gave a presentation on Landmark at the Research Support European league of Life Science Universities (ELLS) network members in Wageningen University, The Netherlands. For more information see here.
The H2020 LIASON project ( represented by Dr. Varga Eszter from NARIC Research Institute of Agricultural Economics interviewed a member of the LANDMARK project about exploring the design and implementation of interactive innovation projects. LANDMARK has been selected as one of the good examples about experiences and lessons learnt.
On the 18th of September 2019 Francesca Bampa (WUR) will present the Landmark Project during the first session of Remtech Europe in Ferrara, Italy. Presentations of session 1 "Regulatory Framework" in Remtech Europe. An article about the Regulatory Framework session 1 of Remtech Europe 2019 has been published on Linkedin. More info
The LandCare Research New Zealand meeting will be held on the 3rd of September to discuss Land Resource Circle project and Landmark project.
On the 14th of November the results of Landmark Pillar 3 will be presented at the European Regional Workshop of The Climakers in Bruxelles, Belgium. The Climakers is an international alliance of farmers, designed to drive the climate change agenda. In addition to 6 farmer’s organizations, there are also 3 private sector associations involved (International [...]
Next Wednesday, the 18th September 2019 , from 2.45 to 4.15 PM our partner Sylvain Sturel (APCA) will present the outcomes of LANDMARK in Tech & Bio, a fair devoted to organic and alternative farming techniques. This event takes place every two year in an agricultural school located close to Valence in the Drôme department (South [...]
Next 18th of September 2019 Francesca Bampa (WUR) will give a presentation on the Synergies between H2020 projects and EIP AGRI Operational Groups at the EIP AGRI OG PRATI-CO Final Conference "PARMIGIANO REGGIANO: Agro-tecnica impronta CARBONIO ORGANICO" at TECNOPOLO, REGGIO EMILIA, Italy. Agenda More info