
Workshop zu Bodenfunktionen Tulln Austria

Die AGES (Agentur für Gesundheit und Ernährungssicherheit) ist ein Partner im europäischen Projekt „LANDMARK“. Am 20.09.2016 findet ein eintägiger Workshop für verschiedene Stakeholder, Interessensgruppen und Landwirte (30-40 Teilnehmer) in Tulln statt. Der Workshop wird in Zusammenarbeit von AGES, BfW, UBA und BOKU organisiert. Wir laden Sie herzlich ein an unserem Workshop über Bodenfunktionen teilzunehmen! Ziel [...]

Roundtable 4 – Switzerland

The LANDMARK Roundtable 4 is hosted by Dr Johan Six (ETH) and will take place in the quiet town of Feldis, in the easternmost canton of Switzerland, on the 7-10th of November 2016.

Atelier national multi-acteurs France

Afin de consulter l'ensemble des acteurs concernés par la multi-fonctionnalité des sols, suite aux ateliers organisés aux niveaux local et régional en 2016, l'APCA organise: un atelier national multi-acteurs jeudi 6 octobre 2016 de 13h30 à 17h30 Cet atelier s'articule autour d'un exercice de mise en situation, destiné à faire émerger des réflexions et des [...]

H2020 Coordinators Day calls for proposals 2015

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European Ecosystem Services conference

LANDMARK consortium together with several other EU and National projects is organizing in the contest of the EUROPEAN Ecosystem Services conference  " Helping nature to help us" the Policy Session: "Who decides ? Making policies on land management work on the farm" Thursday 22nd September 2016 from 9.00 to 12.30 University of Antwerp, Belgium [...]

EU stakeholders workshop

The LANDMARK Consortium organizes the interactive EU stakeholders workshop "Are you getting what you want from land? Policy options for competing demands on soil functions." For more info click here    

Wageningen Soil Conference 2015

“MAKING THE MOST OF OUR LAND: MEETING SUPPLY AND DEMAND OF SOIL FUNCTIONS FROM FARM TO EUROPEAN SCALE” was the presentation given by Prof Rogier Schulte, LANDMARK project manager at the Wageningen SOIL conference, in The Netherlands. The concept of Functional land management forms the basis of the LANDMARK Consortium and.. Read more on the [...]

Regional multi-stakeholders workshop Rouen

During the LANDMARK Roundtable2 in Rouen, APCA and ESITPA in joint collaboration with the Chambre d'Agriculture Seine-Maritime organized a regional multi-stakeholders workshop as shared learning event. The workshop was held in the Hotel de Region Haute Normandie. Participants experienced a spatial mapping exercise on possible synergies and conflicts of the five soil functions in a [...]

Roundtable2 – France

The LANDMARK consortium meets in six monthly roundtables in order to align and to meet stakeholder demands across the three LANDMARK spatial scales (local, regional and European). Roundtable 2 has been hosted by our project partner ESITPA in ROUEN, France 18-20th November 2015, bringing together all the LANDMARK consortium plus the LANDMARK Stakeholder Steering Committee  [...]

8th International Conference “Soils – Our Common Future”

ESSC organizes the 8th International Conference "Soils - Our Common Future”