
BonaRes Status Seminar 2019

The BonaRes status seminar took place from 19-21.02.2019 in Leipzig. More than 200 participants from the eleven collaborative projects presented their latest research results. Our coordinator Prof Rachel Creamer  (WUR) on Tuesday the 20th of February 2019 gave a keynote lecture on Evaluating Soil Functions - How can we support sustainable farm management  In recent years, sustainable [...]

BES 2018

Our JSI partner Aneta Trajanov will present the work done Predicting mineralizable nitrogen in temperate grassland soils from soil properties using data mining models during the  British Ecological Society  Annual Meeting in Birmingham, UK, 17-20 December 2018. More info here

Laboratory Skills Course in Soil Biology and Biochemistry WUR 2019

Laboratory Skills Course in Soil Biology and Biochemistry 13-17th May 2019 Wageningen University and Research, Wageningen, The Netherlands. This will include training in soil quality parameters such as labile C, microresp – respiration, extracellular enzyme activity, nematode and enchytraied extraction and basics of identification. Earthworm sampling and identification. Registration is closed. Fee: *Reduced fee of 500 [...]

EGU 2019 – SSS6.1/BG2.29/HS8.3.17 session

The Landmark team will actively participate at the EGU general assembly on the week of the 7th -12th April 2019 in Vienna, Austria. Our AGES partner Taru Sanden  will convene a session honouring Lily Pereg (1964-2019) together with Brigitta Toth and Karen Vancampenhout, Eric C. Brevik and  Bahar S. Razavi Building Inter- and Transdisciplinary Bridges in Soil Science: Honoring Lily [...]

Soil navigator 1st French evaluation workshop

The APCA & JSI team will evaluate for the first time in APCA office, Paris, France the soil navigator on the 2nd of October 2018

Soil navigator 1st Austrian evaluation workshop

The AGES & JSI team will evaluate for the first time in Austria the Soil Navigator on the 26th of September 2018 as part of the Austrian Soil Science Society´s annual excursion Participants can sign up here

Launch of the EASAC policy report on “Opportunities for soil sustainability in Europe”

The LANDMARK team will attend the launch of the EASAC policy report on “Opportunities for soil sustainability in Europe” at European Academies Science Advisory Council - EASAC   More info

RECARE Final policy conference

The LANDMARK team will attend the RECARE Final Policy conference next 27th of September 2018 in Bruxelles, Belgium.   More info

Wageningen Soil Conference 2019

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ZALF Guest Lecture: Functional Land Management: matching supply and demand for soil functions

Next 19th of July 2018 Prof Creamer and Prof Schulte (WUR) will give a ZALF Guest lecture on "Functional Land Management: matching supply and demand for soil functions"  at 10.00 am in ZALF Conference Hall 1, Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF), Eberswalder Straße 84, 15374 Müncheberg, Germany. The lecture will be convened by Prof. Dr. [...]