Organization :

Contributor to WP3, WP4 and WP5
Since 2002, Alberto’s scientific interest has been devoted to the fields of biology and biotechnology, with a particular interest in molecular biology and soil metagenomics. His PhD project was aimed at the analyses of soil biodiversity by means of next-generation sequencing technologies (metabarcoding-based approach). While doing his PhD, he spent time at AGROSCOPE (Zurich, Switzerland) and at the University Claude Bernard Lyon I (Lyon, France).
In 2013 he joined the Land Resource Management Unit of the JRC as a post-doctoral researcher. His latest project dealt with
(i) the development of the first Global Soil Biodiversity Atlas in collaboration with the Global Soil Biodiversity Initiative ( and
(ii) the assessment and mapping of potential threats to soil biodiversity across Europe.
In May 2016 Alberto returned to the JRC to work on
(i) the assessment of soil biodiversity and the ecosystem services that it provides at European scale,
(ii) the development of a global soil biodiversity database,
(iii) the assessment of potential threats to soil biodiversity at global scale, and
(iv) development of specific measures to protect soil organisms.
Key tasks in LANDMARK
Alberto Orgiazzi will contribute to:
- WP3, WP4 and WP5