Organization :

WP2 and WP3 contributor
Curriculum vitae :
Unité de service Infosol, INRA, 2163 avenue de la pomme de pin, CS 40001 - Ardon, 45075 ORLEANS CEDEX 2, France
Christine Le Bas is a research engineer specialized in spatial soil data bases management and use at small to medium scales (1/1,000,000 to 1/250,000), including spatial estimation of soil parameters for modelling with use of pedotransfer functions or rules for several thematic studies. She participated also to several thematic studies at French or European level concerning mapping of land potentialities, grassland production, soil compaction risk, etc.
Key tasks in LANDMARK
Christine will contribute in
- WP2: Data collection and harmonization
- WP3: Task 3.2 primary productivity and Task 3.3 water purification & regulation
- WP4: Task 4.2: Quantifying the supply for Soil Functions.