Organization :
Coordinator of Parma Unit (Italy), WP2 Participant
Responsible of the Laboratory of Soil Biology, Dr. Cristina Menta is titular professor of the Systematic Zoology, Parma University. She is scientific administrator, as soil fauna expert, of several research projects related to the characterization of soil fauna in natural and degraded areas. She is conducting some studies in natural and agricultural conditions to define soil biodiversity and soil biological quality. She conceived a new biological soil quality index based on soil micro arthropod community, named QBS-ar, from some years applied at international scale. She was trainer in the European ExpeER project “Soil Macrofauna Protocol – ExpeER WP2”. She was a member of the project for the definition of Biodiversity index Protocol: “Biodiversity Friend”, WBA Onlus and of the International Commission ISO/TC 190/SC 04/WG 02 for the standardization of the ISO norms “Soil quality – Biological Methods”.
Key tasks in LANDMARK
Cristina Menta will be responsible for the delivery of :
- Pillar Participant : Pillar 1
- Coordination of the activities of Parma Unit (partner n. 21)
- Soil data collection for Italy (WP2)
- Participation in the WP3 issues