Organization :

WP3.5 Task Leader
Dr Isabelle Trinsoutrot Gattin obtained a PhD in microbial ecology from the University of Lyon 1 in 1999, after a research conducted within the INRA centre in Reims on the effect of physicochemical characteristics of crop residues on carbon and nitrogen fluxes during decomposition.
Then, she carried out two postdoctoral research works on characterization of exogenous organic matter, one at the University of Limoges (France) and the other at the University of Copenhagen (Denmark) as a Marie Curie fellowship.
Since 2002, she has been researcher and lecturer at UNILASALLE ( former Esitpa), academic institute for sustainable agriculture, food and agribusiness. Since 2006, she is responsible for the training course called “territories, environment, agriculture”. And since 2010, she is responsible for the research axis 1 of UniLaSalle, which focuses on “the biological and physico-chemical characterization of soils, and the performance of cropping systems”.
Key tasks in LANDMARK
- WP3 Task 3.5 leader on habitat and biodiversity soil function
- WP1.2 contributor
- WP2 contributor
- WP5 contributor
- Roundtable2 host