Organization :

Curriculum vitae :
- Head of the agronomy and environment department, Chamber of Agriculture of Poitou-Charentes
- Coordinator of the mixed technology network “soil and rural areas” (RMT “Sols et Territoires”) in partnership with INRA Orléans
- Member of the scientific committee of the multi -scale programme IGCS (“inventory, management and soil conservation”, “Inventaire, Gestion et Conservation des Sols”), led by INRA Orléans (Infosol Unit)
Key tasks in LANDMARK
- strong involvement in WP 01 (stakeholders’ needs)
- strong involvement in the tasks “soil management toolkit” and “on-farm evaluation” within WP 05
- back up scientists by field practice: involvement in WP 03 (feasibility of indicators proposed by the researchers, of the sampling protocol, field constraints to be taken into account, etc.), as well as in WP 04 and 05 (feasibility of the proposed policy framework and of monitoring schemes for soil functions)