Organization :

As Leader of landscape ecology and land use change in tropical regions and their impacts on freshwater ecosystems, Dr Ballester has worked as an ecologist for the last 20 years. She obtained her PhD in Ecology from the Federal University of Sao Carlos, in 1994. Dr Ballester’s scientific output includes papers, 13 book chapters and 20 complete papers in conference proceedings (peer reviewed). Her annual average publication is 3.9 articles and her h index was 17 in June 2012, with an average of 34 citations per published article (Web of Science – She has trained 12 PhD and 14 Masters students. Dr Ballester has participated as PI and Co-PI in 20 research projects funded by Brazilian (FAPESP, CNPq), Canadian (IDRC) and US agencies (NSF and NASA).
Key tasks in LANDMARK
- Task 5.3 (WP5)