Description of organisation
The National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu ‐ RIVM) is a governmental research and knowledge institute providing policy support to the Dutch government. RIVM performs tasks to promote both public health, and a healthy and safe living environment. The main tasks of RIVM are: 1) to conduct research; 2) to provide policy support; 3) to perform national coordination; 4) to coordinate intervention programs; 5) to provide information to professionals and the general public. Our experts participate in various international networks and are members of many international scientific committees and experts panels of the EU. RIVM also carries out activities for other international organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and OECD. Moreover, RIVM transfers knowledge specifically aimed at capacity and institution building in for instance pre‐accession countries and developing countries. RIVM’s commissioning bodies consist of ministries (Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment, the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation) and various public services such as the inspectorates. RIVM is a recognized centre of expertise in the fields of health, infectious diseases, nutrition and food safety and environment and safety. RIVM experts publish around 800 scientific publications and reports per year. RIVM has a proven track record regarding the execution of EU funded projects. Currently RIVM participates in around 45 FP7 projects. Our researchers are members of more than 200 international experts committees of the EU, WHO, OECD and other international organizations and provide scientist advice for policy development. RIVM regularly performs research and provide advice to EU agencies such as EFSA, EEA, ECDC and EMA.
Description of the unit participating in LANDMARK
The Center for Sustainability, Environment and Health (Centrum voor Duuzaamheid, Milieu en Gezondheid) works for the sustainability of our society so that now and in the future, sustainable use can be made of our environment. We use our knowledge and expertise on the impact of environmental quality on the health and wellbeing of people and ecosystems. The environment can then be used as optimally and sustainably as possible for the long-term quality of life. This includes sustainable management of natural resources and ecosystems such as raw materials, energy sources, and material and energy cycles. In addition, we analyse the effectiveness of environment and climate change measures to support the government in focusing policy and society on these issues. A key expertise is inclusion of public health and environmental aspects in integrated decision tools.
Members of the team :