Plant Research, Wageningen University and Research
Description of organisation
Plant Research of Wageningen University and Research specialises in strategic and applied plant sciences. Research fields are genetics and reproduction, genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, bioinformatics, crop protection, crop ecology and agrosystems. Combined knowledge and experience in these fields provide for a unique range of products and perspectives for government and industry. Plant Research serves the entire agro-production chain, with scientific products from DNA level to concepts for complete production systems. The products of Plant Research enable governments to further develop and execute policies for a sustainable economy, hence the mission ‘For the quality of Life’.
Description of the unit participating in LANDMARK
The department Plant Research International of Wageningen UR specialises in strategic and applied plant sciences. One of their business units is the Agrosystems Research group The group designs, tests and assesses production systems to meet ecological and economic requirements, and takes full account of other functions of rural areas. Focus is on nutrient use efficiency in open-cultivation arable systems and dairy farming. Experimental work is carried out in commercial farms (farmer networks) and experiment farms, and is often complemented by crop and farm modeling studies.
Members of the team :