Work Packages

LANDMARK project management (WP6)

This work package is concerned with the on-going management of the project and associated coordination of the scientific, technical, administrative and financial obligations of the project. The team is led by Rogier Schulte (WUR2) and the work package is split into three tasks continuously running which deal with: Communication and Dissemination ( see future and past conferences and [...]

WP5 – Creating Blueprints

Work package 5 will deliver the main LANDMARK outcomes through the 3 pillars:  PILLAR 1 (LOCAL SCALE): the Soil Navigator: a Decision Support Tool (DST) for soil management that optimises soil functions, both from an agronomic and ecosystem function perspective, and that sustains soil functions by mitigating threats to soil quality [Task 5.1 and [...]

Functional Land Management (WP4)

Objectives: The team is applying the concept of Functional Land Management (Schulte et al., 2014) at EU level. This means assessing the demand and the supply for each of the soil functions, at European scale and assessing potential land use options, using advanced spatially explicit modelling. Outputs include indicative scenario maps of the actual and [...]

WP3 – Understanding soil functions

Objectives: The team developed a comprehensive science-based framework for understanding and quantifying each of the five soil functions in relation to soil properties, land use, climate and soil management at the three spatial scales. As such, it connects the state-of-the-art data (WP2) and knowledge learnt (WP1) in applied soil science  to a quantitative indicator framework ready and fit for [...]

Data collation and harmonization (WP2)

With the role of data provider for the project, the WP2 team collated together extensive, harmonized datasets for each of the five soil functions. Key members of the consortium team have provided both large scale national soil datasets and extensive experimental field trial data. The collation and harmonisation of this data was an iterative process throughout [...]

Stakeholder engagement (WP1)

Objectives: Define concepts and terminologies used on the topic of soil quality and soil functions. Assess and quantify stakeholder prioritisation of soil functions. Review existing knowledge from literature. Develop a Strategic Research Agenda for LANDMARK. But also assists WP5 in identifying and planning the optimum mode of delivery of the Soil Navigator Decision Support Tool [...]