

The LANDMARK team participated actively to the Pedometrics 2017 Conference during the last week of June 2017, in Wageningen, The Netherlands. Prof Rachel Creamer (WUR) and Nicolas Saby (INRA) are inside the Scientific Committee of the conference. Dr Adam Csorba  postdoc at SZIU,  gave an oral presentation on "Applying the diagnostic approach for the definition of soil [...]

Land as a resource: raising awareness and building the knowledge base for European Assessments

The European Environmental Agency organized the seminar “Land as a resource: raising awareness and building the knowledge base for European Assessments". For the LANDMARK team participated: Arwyn Jones (JRC), Rachel Creamer (WUR) and David Wall (TEAGASC)

Wageningen Soil conference 2017

The LANDMARK team participated actively to the Wageningen Soil Conference 2017 - Soil Science in a Changing World Wageningen University, The Netherlands from 27th to 31st August 2017. We discussed our LANDMARK novel insights in applied soil science, identified further actions for soil-based solutions that help achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and showed possible narratives on [...]


Our SSC member Harald Mauser (EFI) will represent LANDMARK consortium at the  workshop on "CLIMATE ACTION IN AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY" organized by the European Commission DG CLIMA next  1 JUNE 2017. For more information and agenda visit  

Roundtable 6 – Italy

The LANDMARK Roundtable 6 was hosted by Prof Cristina Menta (UNIPARMA) and her colleagues Prof. Giovanna Visioli, Dr Fabio Gatti and Dr Beatrice Bonati and took place in the S. Elisabetta Congress Centre, University of Parma campus, Parco Area delle Scienze 181, Parma, Italy on the 23rd-25th of October 2017. In this occasion, LANDMARK welcomed for the [...]

Summer school on Mining big and complex data

In the contest of the FP7 MAESTRA project  our partner Prof Saso Dzeroski (JSI-MPS) organized the Summer school on Mining big and complex data. More info here.

EGU 2017

The Landmark team will be actively participating at the EGU general assembly next 23-28 April 2017. Rachel Creamer (WUR) will convene together with Michiel Rutgers  (RIVM) , Martin Potthoff , Stefan Schrader and Guénola Pérès a session SSS4.11 on the Role of soil biota in soil functioning . More info  here   Isabelle Gattin (UNILASALLE) will give an oral presentation [...]

Roundtable 5 – Romania

The LANDMARK Roundtable 5 will be hosted by Prof Teodor Rusu (CLUJ-NAPOCA) and will take place in the Campus University of CLUJ-NAPOCA, Romania, in the last week of May 2017.

British Ecological Society Annual meeting 2016

Our JSI colleagues presented at the  #BES2016 British Ecological Society Annual Meeting in Liverpool, UK Prof Marko Debeljak gave an oral presentation on Qualitative assessment of nutrient cycling in agro-ecosystems at the Agricultural Ecology Diversity & Dynamics session Dr Aneta Trajanov  gave an oral presentation on Predicting mineralizable nitrogen in grassland soils at the Ecosystem Ecology & [...]

2nd Global Soil Security Conference

LANDMARK project was represented at the 2nd Global Soil Security Conference by Prof Rachel Creamer (WUR), Dr Francesca Bampa (TEAGASC), Dr Marion Bardy (INRA) and Sebastien Drufin (INRA). The 2nd Global Soil Security Conference aims to demonstrate that soil, this highly pressurized and crucial resource, is indispensable partner to meet sustainable development goals. The demonstration will be [...]